From ‘in the field’ to ‘on the screen’: conducting training on remote platforms

August 3, 2021

While foresters are probably keener to be ‘in the field’, our Tasmanian committee is supporting specialised training to help them carry out capacity building with their project partners ‘on the screen’.

Working with Foresters Without Borders, a group of foresters who operate from Australia as well as some currently based in overseas locations will receive training on 4 August to improve their skills in remote training, necessary under current COVID conditions.

Earlier forestry training supported by our Tasmanian Committee was very much ‘in the field’

“We have 19 confirmed participants who will all be logging in individually from around Australia, Fiji and Laos,” explained Graham Wilkinson, Forestry Consultant and former Chief Forest Practices Officer with the Forest Practices Authority.

“The Australians are involved in overseas work or based overseas on projects, and foresters in Fiji and Laos are involved in projects with Australians,” he said.

“We are really pleased to have in the group Dr Nora Devoe, ACIAR’s Research Program Manager for Forestry, as well as a number of people working on ACIAR projects.”

Participants will receive expert insights and knowledge on how to schedule a meeting or workshop, prepare registration forms for participants, develop surveys, hold polls and use interactive tools in the meeting. They will also receive a checklist to aid the setup and moderation of meetings and workshops, house rules, tips on ensuring a smooth delivery from presenters and participants, and setting up and activating breakout rooms.

Participants will be provided with resources of all topics covered throughout the training.

The project is engaging Samuel Stacey of Cultivate Communications to carry out the training. Samuel has extensive experience with online platforms – he managed the Fund’s series of National Science Week NextGen events, our UN Food Systems Summit Dialogue and will be helping us with our annual conference which is a hybrid event in 2021.