VIC Committee

The Victorian program, established in 1995, enjoys strong support from the Victorian Government and the private sector for its training activities in crop production, the dairy industry, education and animal health. The Victorian Program has adopted a strategy of selecting and concentrating on projects which will provide cumulative ongoing benefit to developing country agriculture by running programs which build on experience year on year for up to three years.

This, however, does not prevent us from seizing opportunities for valuable ad hoc training when appropriate. Major crop programs have included cocoa in Vietnam and Papua New Guinea (PNG), potatoes in PNG, dairy hygiene in Malaysia and Indonesia, animal health in Nepal and an ongoing relationship with the Royal National University of Bhutan where we helped to set up a bachelor of agriculture degree course and training in research techniques in agriculture. Victorian scientists and technologists have welcomed the opportunities to interact with colleagues and students to help them lift agricultural production in developing countries, while at the same time enhancing the scientific capacity of their own agencies through networking and exchanging knowledge and ideas on food and fibre production.

Additionally we are now making greater use of valuable Australian facilities such as the National Grains Genebank and the Australian Animal Health Laboratory, both based in Victoria. We will be looking for opportunities to increase training in plant biosecurity to complement the work we are already doing in animal biosecurity. A brochure summarising our activities is available here.

Crawford Fund Student Awards – Victoria

As part of our efforts to support and encourage the next generation in study, careers and volunteering in international agricultural research, the Crawford Fund proudly supports our Student Awards. These awards have been developed specifically to enable university students to gain valuable experience and expertise by bringing an international component to their studies and research.

In Victoria, applications are invited from honours and postgraduate students interested in gaining international agricultural research experience in developing countries, with a maximum of $5,000 awarded.


Congratulations to the 18 successful applicants from around Australia who received our 2024 awards to experience international agricultural research and development first hand.

The Victorian award winner is:

Luke O’Regan, Monash University
Location/Focus: Nigeria
Research: Increasing yield and water use efficiency of African sorghum.
Other collaborating institutions: Bayero University.

Victoria Crawford Fund Scholars: 2024 Annual Conference

Each year, the Crawford Fund Committees offer Conference Scholarships for students and young researchers to attend the annual conference. The Scholarship provides funds to cover expenses such as travel, accommodation and registration.

In 2024, we had a bumper crop of 40 2024 Annual Conference scholarship winners from universities and organisations across Australia! This took our conference scholar alumni to almost 500 young students and researchers and industry representatives with an interest in reshaping agriculture to better address food security, the nutritional needs of a growing population, and the environment.

Laura Steel, Luke Molinaro Rathsmann, Russell Woodford, Dylan Male, Emily de Haan and Tessa Consedine (left to right) were our 2024 scholars from Victoria. They are pictured here with Tony Gregson our Victorian Committee Chair and Bill Lewis our VIC Committee Coordinator.

Victorian Committee in the News
