Resources and Publications
The Crawford Fund has a considerable resource ‘library’ of the materials it generates as part of its outreach, State and Territory Committee, training, public policy and corporate governance activities and requirements.
For a comprehensive introduction into what we do, and the environment in which we operate, we strongly recommend you read our latest Annual Report and Annual Conference Proceedings.
The Crawford Fund Strategic Plan 2018-2023

Annual conference proceedings
- 2024: Food and Nutrition Security: Transformative Partnerships, Local Leadership and Co-Design
- 2023: Global food security in a riskier world: Diversification for resilient food and nutrition systems
- 2022: Celebrating agriculture for development: Outcomes, impacts and the way ahead
- 2021: Food and nutrition security: The biosecurity, health, trade nexus
- 2019: Weathering the ‘perfect storm: Addressing the Agriculture, Energy, Water, Climate Change Nexus
- 2018: Reshaping agriculture for better nutrition: The agriculture, food, nutrition, health nexus
- 2017: Transforming Lives and Livelihoods: The Digital Revolution in Agriculture
- 2016: Waste not, want not: the circular economy to food security
- 2015: The business of food security: profitability, sustainability and risk
- 2014: Ethics, efficiency and food security: feeding the 9 billion, well
- 2013: Mining, agriculture & development: bread from stones?
- 2012: The scramble for natural resources: more food, less land?
- 2011: The supermarket revolution in food: good, bad or ugly for the world’s farmers, consumers and retailers?
- 2010: Biodiversity and world food security: nourishing the planet and its people
- 2009: World food security: can private sector research and development feed the poor?
Annual reports
Books and proceedings
Crawford Fund Policies and Guidelines
Promotional materials
Research studies
State Committee Brochures
‘Doing well by doing good’ documents
All Crawford Fund videos are available on the: