The South Australian Program was established in July 2000 with generous support from the South Australian Government and the Commonwealth Government. It places considerable emphasis on soil and plant science, crop pathology and food systems because of the strengths in these areas on the Waite and Roseworthy Campuses which house the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine and the Adelaide campus which houses the Centre for Global Food and Resources of the University of Adelaide. This is also supported by the CSIRO Land & Water and Agriculture & Food Business Units and the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) at the Waite and the engineering and land management program at the University of South Australia and Ground Water School of the Flinders University.
South Australian research expertise is also strong in animal genetics and nutrition and aquaculture, and these are well suited for participation in Crawford Fund activities. South Australian researchers participating in The Crawford Fund to train agricultural scientists from developing countries through individual scientist visits, workshops and training classes (held both in South Australia and overseas) will benefit from the increased opportunities for developing scientific and economic links with many countries in our region. A brochure summarising our state activities is available here. Full details of the Crawford Fund SA Strategic Statement of Intent for 2023/24 is available here.
As part of our efforts to support and encourage the next generation in study, careers and volunteering in international agricultural research, the Crawford Fund proudly supports our Student Awards. These awards have been developed specifically to enable university students to gain valuable experience and expertise by bringing an international component to their studies and research.
In South Australia, applications are invited from 4th year undergraduate students with a maximum value of $4,000 awarded; applications are invited from honours and postgraduate students interested in gaining international agricultural research experience in developing countries, with a maximum of $5,000 awarded.
Congratulations to the 18 successful applicants from around Australia who received our 2024 awards to experience international agricultural research and development first hand.
The South Australia award winner is:
Ranjita Sapjoka, University of South Australia
Research: Transforming smallholder food systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plain. ACIAR Project ID: WAC/2020/148.
Other collaborating institutions: CIMMYT and IFPRI.
Each year, the Crawford Fund Committees offer Conference Scholarships for students and young researchers to attend the annual conference. The Scholarship provides funds to cover expenses such as travel, accommodation and registration.
We’re excited to announce our bumper crop of 40 2024 Annual Conference scholarship winners from universities and organisations across Australia! This takes our conference scholar alumni to almost 500 young students and researchers and industry representatives with an interest in reshaping agriculture to better address food security, the nutritional needs of a growing population, and the environment.
The 2024 conference scholars from South Australia are listed below:
Mackenzie Coopman, University of Adelaide
Hayley Grigg, University of Adelaide and Van Schaik’s Biogro
Simon Michelmore, South Australian Research and Development Institute
Bikram Nepali, University of Adelaide