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Professor Stephen Bartos
CEO of the Crawford Fund
Stephen commenced his role as the Crawford Fund CEO in mid-March 2024. He is also a Professor at the University of Canberra. Prior to joining academia, his work experience included three terms as Parliamentary Budget Officer for NSW, Deputy Secretary and Head of Budget Group in the Australian Department of Finance, senior adviser to the Royal Commission on Aged Care, and head of the Canberra office of ACIL Allen consulting.
Stephen is widely published in news media and academic journals. He is author of two books – Against the Grain: the AWB Scandal and why it Happened (UNSW Press) and Public Sector Governance – Australia (CCH).
Among his published research reports are a study of the impact of climate change on Australia’s food supply (2022) and of the resilience of the food supply chain (2012). Stephen’s other consulting projects include a review of the R&D functions of the NSW Department of Primary Industry, a restructure of Horticulture Australia and an analysis of pricing for Australian dairy products.