Board: Bob McMullan

Mr Bob McMullan
Visiting Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy

Mr McMullan joined the Crawford School as a Visiting Fellow after a distinguished career in the Australian Parliament as one of Australia’s pre-eminent Labor politicians.

In 1981, Mr McMullan was elected National Secretary of the Labor Party. After being appointed Senator for the ACT in 1988, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer in 1990 and became Manager of Government Business in the Senate the following year. As Senator for the ACT, he held the positions of Minister for the Arts and Administrative Services (1993) and Minister for Trade (1994), before being elected to the seat of Canberra in 1996 and, after a redistribution, as Member for Fraser in 1998. Between 1996 and 2007, Mr McMullan held a number of Shadow Ministerial positions. In 2007, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance.

Mr McMullan completed four and a half years as Australia’s representative on the Board of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and was a member of the high-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing. Mr McMullan has a special interest in the welfare of disabled persons in developing countries and initiated Australia’s first Disability and Development Strategy.