Crawford Fund Fellowship awarded to…

March 26, 2018

We are pleased to announce that Mr Kiran Subedi, Deputy Chief Agriculture Officer in the Department of Agriculture, Bhutan has been awarded the prestigious Crawford Fund Fellowship for 2017 retrospectively. The Fellowship was established in 2002 with the generous support of Dr Brian Booth AM FTSE to provide further training of a scientist in agriculture whose work has shown significant potential.

Kiran, who will arrive in Australia at the end of April, has an agricultural degree obtained in India, and the master in agricultural economics obtained in Germany. He is involved in the hands-on implementation of sustainability, food security and climate change projects within his country.

Kiran will use his 6 weeks in Australia to expand his knowledge and skills policy development, and policy project management so that he can better serve the needs of his country. The visit will involve training activities and visit to agencies and universities in Brisbane, Canberra and Adelaide.

“Kiran was a member of the first cohort to attend the revised Crawford Fund Master Class in Agricultural Research Leadership and Management in Penang in 2017. There he impressed with his enthusiasm and demonstrated a considerable potential to develop as a leader in his country, and in the international agricultural research community,” said Prof Shaun Coffey, Director of the Crawford Fund’s Capacity Building Program.