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Below are stories that we have featured on our news section to highlight the diversity and impact of activities at home and abroad around food security policy, training and public awareness.
October 2014
Philippines Landcare – a training ground
Bringing home the bacon
Short or long hoes?
African biosecurity ‘change champions’ on the way
Biosecurity for aid and trade
Mentoring on soils in Timor L’este
World Food Prize for a Breeder Without Borders
Profiting from the private sector – so seeds meet needs
Congrats to UQ Alumni
September 2014
Landcare’s 25th anniversary in Australia
Making more with less – how do we feed the world as the population soars?
Learning about opportunities to work in, with and for developing countries
August 2014
Crawford Fund Medal: Robyn Alders 2014
Journalism Award Winner 2014
Legend in Soil Science
The Hon John Kerin AM appointed ICRISAT International Ambassador of Goodwill
All things fruit, vege, nuts, berries and flowers
Tony Gregson appointed to ACIAR Commission
2014 Crawford Fund Fellowship: Dinar Hartawan
Harvest Radio: Doing Well and Doing Good
July 2014
Ensuring science-based biosafety regulation
Biosecurity: International Dimensions, Threats and Strategies
Introducing Colin Chartres
Results from Rice Training
Ensuring science-based biosafety regulation
Communicating and networking takes off
June 2014
Informing G20 on the World’s Food Needs
May 2014
Australian and African farmers tackle food security
Long-term friendships through ag research
Free flowing fish for food security
Increasing crop yields should be the focus for achieving global food security
Ecosystem characterisation of the Bay of Bengal
April 2014
Enhancing rural livelihoods in Africa
Norman Borlaug celebrations well covered
Getting turned on to international agricultural research
March 2014
Aussie wild relatives in the mix at Svalbard
Enhancing rural livelihoods in Africa
Facing the global food crisis using trade and aid for a food secure world
Pig nutrition in Laos
Power to the farmers
February 2014
Sustainable aquaculture
QLD seminar: ‘Engaging Young Scientists’
Early detection of plant pathogens
Strengthening biosecurity in Timor Leste and the region
Landcare popular in Popua, Tonga
Making the public aware – welcome to Wendy
January 2014
Buckets of gratitude for Sallyanne Atkinson
Decision-making for mangosteens
Earlier stories
Extension for climate change adaptation practices, November 2013
Recognition of lifetime contribution: capacity building and food security, November 2013
2013 Global hunger index – greater resilience-building needed, October 2013
A couple of agronomists, October 2013
“The win is ours” PNG women in agriculture, October 2013
Pursuing a passion for agriculture for development, 2013
A 2063 vision of agriculture, August 2013
Thank you to Dr Bruce Standen, July 2013
Master tree growing training, January 2013
Dramatic decline in food production in Asia & Pacific, February 2013
So much to do and so much opportunity, February 2013
Chickpea genome decoded, January 2013
New pact to secure genebanks: critical to food security, January 2013
Farming for more milk in Asia, November 2012
The rat flood, August 2012
Social science for agriculture in PNG, August 2012
Managing greater demands on Laos water resources, July 2012
Improving PNGs pyrethrum industry, April 2012
Forestry in Laos, April 2012
Young Crawfords up and running, March 2012
Coconut press presses ahead in the Pacific, March 2012