Su McCluskey

Ms Su McCluskey FCPA FTSE 
Special Representative for Australian Agriculture

Ms McCluskey is the first Special Representative for Australian Agriculture. She is an experienced senior business executive and company director with a strong background in agricultural policy, production and research. Currently her roles include Director of Australian Unity, LiveCorp and Australasian Pork Research Institute.

Ms McCluskey was a Member of the Commission for International Agricultural Research and a Commissioner on the National COVID-19 Advisory Board, a member of the Deregulation Taskforce Advisory Panel, the Charities Review and the Small Business Digital Taskforce.  She was also a member of the Independent Review Panel for CPA Australia, the Harper Review of Competition Policy and the NSW Review of the Regulatory Framework.

Previously, Ms McCluskey has been the CEO of the Regional Australia Institute and the Council of Rural Research and Development Corporations and the Executive Director of the Office of Best Practice Regulation. She has also held senior positions with the Business Council of Australia, the National Farmersโ€™ Federation and the Australian Taxation Office.

Ms McCluskey is a beef cattle farmer at Yass, NSW and was named the Westpac/Australian Financial Review Regional Women of Influence in 2013 and received the Women in Agribusiness award in 2014 for outstanding contribution to policy development.