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GOAL Master Class Report
Nov 2015
The Genebank Operations and Advanced Learning (GOAL) Master Class aimed to introduce globally accepted standards for genebank management. The course introduced national and regional genebank personnel to the concepts of quality management systems and standard operating procedures.
Master Class on Capacity Building for Integrated Agricultural Catchment Management
Oct 2015
The primary objective of this Master Class was to develop or enhance the capacity of planners, managers and policy makers to undertake holistic planning that improves water and agricultural management across South East Asia.
Master Class on Methods for Assessing Data-poor Fisheries
Aug 2015
This Master Class aimed to improve approaches for evaluating fisheries where little data on catches or fishing effort are available. This will lead to an enhanced understanding of fisher perspectives on fish stocks, management and conservation.
Crawford Fund MasterClass Drought Adaptation Technical Report
9 Dec 2013
Across the globe drought is one of the biggest threats facing agriculture today, with devastating and far reaching effects on entire landscapes and regions. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ranks drought as the single most common cause of severe food shortages in developing countries.
Master Class Communicating Research to Stakeholders, Ethiopia
6 Aug 2013
The Master Class in Communicating Research to Stakeholders brought together the Crawford Fund’s expertise in both training and public awareness, with colleagues in Australia and the international research community, to boost the capability of senior staff from African research institutions and NGOs to communicate their work to stakeholders.
Master Class on Rhizobial Technology
2 Apr 2013
Participants from different countries of Africa and Asia joined together with research trainers from the Centre for Rhizobium Studies, Murdoch University and IFS, Kandy to get hands-on training for use of rhizobia in agriculture in a Master Class held 1st -13th December 2012 in Sri Lanka.
Master Class REDD Indonesia
28 Nov 2012
Report on the Master Class on policy analysis to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation REDD+ within a decentralised context.
Master Class on Plant Health
22 May 2012
Participants working in extension, diagnostics, crop protection and biosecurity learnt new methods for the identification and detection of pests and diseases. They saw how extension and research could work together through plant clinics to address common objectives in increasing agricultural productivity and improving surveillance. The Masterclass was a unique opportunity for plant health people from West, East and Central and Southern Africa to share experiences and gain practical experience of tools and methods developed and used by Plantwise and PaDIL.
Master Class on Climate Risk
3 May 2012
The dependence of farmers on low and or highly variable rainfall across most south eastern Sub-Saharan countries, in combination with depletion of soil fertility, makes the effort of intensifying maize based production systems and lift farmer’s livelihoods a rather daunting and complex problem. In general, climate risk acts as a disincentive for farmers to invest in needed technologies and markets, reducing our chances of increasing yields and reducing risks. Across the region, lifting the productivity of crops, i.e. grains and biomass, is paramount to start building more sustainable and profitable cropping systems amid achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa.
Master Class on Communicating Research to Stakeholders
1 May 2012
The Master Class in Communicating Research to Stakeholders brought together the Crawford Fund’s expertise in both training and public awareness, with colleagues in Australia and the international research community, to boost the capability of senior staff from developing country research institutions to communicate their work to stakeholders.
Master Class on Citrus Greening Surveillance, Identification and Management of Citrus Diseases Huanglongbing (HLB)
7 Jun 2011
Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most severe impediment to citriculture in Asia and, as a consequence, seriously affects the welfare of farmers. What was a problem restricted largely to Asia before 2000 is now a world problem that threatens the very viability of commercial citrus production, a major world source of vitamin C. What was a problem for generally poor small-scale farmers in Asia is now a problem for wealthier, larger-scale commercial producers throughout the world.
Report on Climate Risk Master Class
26 May 2011
This training targeted African SIMLESA project members from the National Agricultural Research Systems, and aimed to (i) create understanding of the research benefits from combining participatory systems modelling and field experimentation; (ii) improve their capacity to collect quality soil, climate and crop data sets; and (iii) improve their skills to apply systems modelling techniques and analysis to design more resilient and profitable small holder farm practices, tactics and strategies to better manage investment uncertainty in rainfed cropping systems.
Soil Borne Pathogens of Wheat 4
3 May 2011
Fourth masterclass on soil borne pathogens of cereals.
Participatory Plant Breeding
2 May 2011
Soil Borne Pathogens of Wheat – CIE Report
10 Mar 2010
Findings of the Centre for International Economics on the impact of the Masterclass on Soilborne Pathogens of Wheat in China.
Impact Assessment Master class Report
24 Feb 2010
This Master Class focused on providing participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake robust ex ante and ex post economic impact assessments of agricultural R&D and to make them aware of methodological advances in impact assessment and pathway analysis.
Research Management in Agriculture: A Manual for the Twenty First Century
25 Jun 2009
The objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive introduction to all facets of research management in agriculture for research directors, managers, scientists and students involved in all types of agricultural research.
International Master Class in Plant Biosecurity, Kuala Lumper, Malaysia 13 Jun 2008
In this Master Class, supported by the Crawford Fund, 17 participants from 10 countries took part in an intensive program of presentations, practical work, discussion groups and field visits from 2 June to 13 June 2008.
Third International Master Class on Soilborne Pathogens of Wheat Inrat Tunis, Tunisia
9 May 2008
This 3rd International Master Class was organised with participants particularly from North Africa and parts of West Asia. Twenty trainees came from 9 countries including Tunisia , Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Syria, Iran, Kazakhstan and Australia.
Fish Health Master Class
23 Nov 2007
Landcare Master Class
13 Oct 2006
Master Class in Aquaculture and Poultry Feed Manufacturing Workshop
8 Sep 2006
Master Class in Aquaculture Nutrition
19 Aug 2006
Master Class in Ge Modelling
21 Dec 2005
Master Class on Soilborne Pathogens of Wheat
20 May 2005
Master Class in Agricultural Biosecurity No.1
26 Sep 2003