2012 Young Scholars

The following young scientists and students attended the 2012 annual parliamentary conference “The scramble for natural resources: more food, less land?” with support from the Crawford Fund. The State Committee that supported their attendance at the conference is listed next to their names.

The scholars’ reports are available at the links below.

2012 Parliamentary Conference: Young scholars
2012 Parliamentary Conference: Young scholars

Conference Reports

Quotes from some African PhD students who attended the conference

The African PhD Students with CSIRO scientists
The African PhD Students with CSIRO scientists

This is just to appreciate the discussions that we held with you (Dr Sanginga) during the 2012 Crawford fund conference. We were indeed delighted to learn that we can collaborate and partner with each other in various projects that can go towards improving the food security status of our continent (through networking). We were also encouraged by how passionate you were in your message on how our beloved continent could benefit from the “Brown revolution” – this was very inspiring. – Bosibori Bett

I would like to echo along with my colleagues in expressing our sincere gratitude and appreciation to you and the entire organizing body of the Crawford Conference. It was very educative, in-sighting and interactive, above all a great opportunity to interact with and establish networks with people from varying background particularly an opportunity to see the wonderful faces we have been communicating with like you. – Bright Asante

The insight and opportunities for scientific research highlighted during the conference are valuable for food security interventions and will inform our focus into future studies/interests. Thanks to everyone and all organisers of the conference. – Benard Mware

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for everything that you did for us. It was just a wonderful time to be with you and share everything that we did. Thank you so much for allowing us the chance to participate in such an important event. It was a privilege for us to meet and interact with such important people. – Betty Namukwaya