Food & Nutrition Security – The Biosecurity, Health, Trade Nexus
13-14 December 2021, Canberra

Conference Sponsors
The Crawford Fund annual conference is made possible through the generous support of our conference sponsors.
After almost 30 years, our conference provides a special opportunity to maintain existing links and nurture new ones with the national and international community involved in food and nutrition security policy and research.
It is also a high profile opportunity to demonstrate involvement in, and ongoing commitment and support to food security related issues of interest and benefit to developing countries and to Australian rural industries.

With a variety of sponsorship levels, you are able to profile your work and your support for agriculture for development at Australia’s key food security event. Our conference has a wide variety of audiences across sectors with an interest in agricultural research, development, policy and innovation.
If you would like more details on how you can support and have a presence at Australia’s key food and nutrition security event, more details are here.
To discuss the opportunities available, please contact Cathy Reade, Director of Outreach and Conference Director email: [email protected] or call on 0413575934.
We would like to offer our sincere thanks to the following supporters of this year’s conference, including our scholars program:
- Agriculture Victoria
- AgriFutures Australia
- Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
- Australian Volunteers Program
- Bayer Group ANZ
- Central Queensland University
- Centre for Global Food and Resources, University of Adelaide
- Corteva Agriscience
- CropLife Australia
- CSIRO Agriculture and Food
- Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
- Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania
- Elanco Australasia Pty Ltd
- Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Melbourne
- Fenner School of Environment & Society, ANU
- Forest Research Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- La Trobe Institute for Agriculture & Food
- Meat & Livestock Australia
- NSW Department of Primary Industries
- Plant Health Australia
- Research for Development Impact Network (RDI Network) of ACFID
- School of Agriculture Food and Wine, University of Adelaide
- School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney
- Southern Cross University
- University of New England
- University of Queensland, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
- University of Queensland School of Agriculture and Food Sciences
- University of Southern Queensland, Institute for Life Sciences and the Environment
We would also like to offer our sincere thanks to the following supporters of this year’s conference scholar program:
- Agriculture Victoria
- Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society
- Bett, Bosibori
- Birrell, Nicole
- Central Queensland University
- Dalton, John
- Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland
- Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania
- Dibley, Kathy
- Gardiner Foundation
- Gleadow, Roslyn
- Higgins, Dr TJ
- Nairn, Emeritus Prof Mal
- NSW Department of Primary Industries
- University of Southern Queensland, Centre for Agricultural Engineering
- Wickes, Roger